miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

I'm so happy!!!




Ok. I don't know for where started! Yesterday in the morning, my fiancé and I, were watching a tv show like every day to this hours. And.. of soon, the conductive tv started to talk about a sewing machine... I thought, wou!  really is a  low price for this machine. During the morning my fiance send me a message.. and said: Today we will go to buy the sewing machine!!! Y said: WHAT!? ... we don't have money!! and He, so sweet, said me: with credit card haha... I started to search more stores where was the sewing machine. In the afternoon, we got to the stores, we look, and regrettably the sewing machine had a high  price.. buuu! .. I fell sad, but in this moment a saleswoman approaches us and said: Hey! there's other offer! a overlock, add, sewing machine for $199.990 (U$ 400) .. OMG! perfect!  this duo is  Brother.
Today I will prove it!

martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

Lavender Tea DiY

A pesar de que he tratado de tomar fotos de mi vestido de punto negro, no he podido, cuando lo usé no había nada luz como para tomar unas buenas fotos, así que ese asunto queda pendiente.

Por estos días empieza el frio en Chile, la verdad con todo esto del cambio climático, el otoño más parece un "verano fresco" y no como debería ser. Mucho frio, las primeras lluvias, árboles sin hojas y mucha humedad. Parecen días de verano con un toque invernal, nada más lo bueno es que las noches están frias, así que puedo abusar a destajo de mi hábito del: Té.
Hay uno que preparo yo misma que me encanta, le llamo, mix de tés con lavanda.

Es muy simple:
-Lleva Lavanda fresca o seca (flores incluidas) un buen ramillete
- Té Verde en hojas (1/3 de taza)
- Té Verde con Jazmín en hojas (1/3 de taza)
- Té Negro en hojas  (1/3 de taza)
- Clavo de olor (3 a 5 palitos)
- una varita de canela

Pongo todos los ingredientes en la tetera para el té, agrego agua a punto de hervir y lo dejo a fuego bajo hasta que rompa el hervor. Apago. Dejo reposar el té unos minutos y luego agrego un poco en una taza y relleno la taza con agua hervida que haya bajado su temperatura a 90° u 80° C.
Cuando hace calor le agrego rodajas y jugo de limón y lo sirvo bien frio con hielo... Sirve para cualquier época del año.

Although I have tried to take photos of my black knit dress, I could not, when I used it there was no light to take good pictures, so that the matter is pending.

These days the cold starts in Chile, the truth in all this climate change, autumn seems more like a "Cool Summer" and not as it should be. Very cold, the first rain, trees without leaves and high humidity. They look like summer days with a touch wintry nothing good is that the nights are cold, so I can abuse the piece of my habit: Tea.
There is one I prepare myself that I love, I call it, mix with lavender teas.
It is very simple:
-Take fresh or dried lavender (flowers included) a good bunch
- Green Tea  (1/3 cup leaf)
- Green Tea with Jasmine (1/3 cup leaf)
- Black tea (1/3 cup leaf)
- Cloves (3-5 sticks)
- A stick of cinnamon

I put all the ingredients in the kettle for tea, add water to a boil and leave on low heat until it boils. I switch off. I leave the tea to steep a few minutes and then add a little in a cup and fill the cup with boiled water that has lowered its temperature to 90 ° or 80 ° C.
When it is hot I add slices and lemon juice and serve it cold with ice well ... Fits any time of year