These days have been chaotic. And this past weekend I was just even more. I had a little accident with a cat. The bastard bit me and scratch me while trying to save him from the jaws of my dog, Sybil. I had to go to the emergency room where I punctured with a tetanus shot, I have to take antibiotics for 10 days, and I hope not develop bartonella. Above all I had an altercation with the doctor who treated me because he committed negligence and was not giving me conrrespondiente treatment.
And to top the weekend, Sunday I woke stomach sick. I spent all day very very sick, I had a headache, felt he had beaten me, frightening!
Not bore you more, here is a video I made with a tutorial to make your own Christmas decorations, today: a snowflake. I hope in the week post other videos with other Christmas crafts.
Materiales: Aguja de crochet, hilo ( o lana, o pitilla, u otro tipo de hilo)
Instrucciones: 1-. Debes hacer 5 cadenas, luego cierras formando un aro.
2-. Levanta 3 cadenas, estas 3 serán nuestra primera vareta doble, ahora debes hacer otras 19 varetas doble.
3-. Cierra con una lazada las 20 varetas dobles, tienes un circulo que dividiras en 5 partes iguales.
4-. Levanta una cadena para tomar un poco de altura, ahora debes hacer 6 cadenas más, avanza 4 varetas de la base y junta la cadena con el aro uniendolos con un punto medio o vareta simple.
Repite este paso 4 veces más, hasta obtener 5 arcos.
5-. Comienza con una vareta simple (medio punto) y luego has 4 varetas dobles.
Para darle forma "puntiaguda" a nuestro copo de nieve debemos poner énfasis en este paso:
6-. Levanta 5 cadenas, y, en la cadena número 3, debes ponerla sobre si misma, con una lazada. Realiza dos cadenas más.
7-. Repite el paso 5, pero a la inversa. Parte con una vareta doble y termina con una vareta simple.
Repite 4 veces mas y ya tienes tu copo de nieve.
Materials: crochet hook, yarn (or wool, or pitilla, or other thread)
Instructions: 1 -. You must make 5 strings, then close to form a ring.
2 -. Lift 3 chains, these 3 are our first double crochet, now you do another 19 double braces.
3 -. Closes with a loop 20 double braces, you have a circle that divide into 5 equal parts.
4 -. Raise a chain to get some height, now you make 6 chains, moving the base four braces and chain together with the ring joining them with a midpoint or single crochet.
Repeat this step 4 more times, until 5 arches.
5 -. Start with a single crochet (half point) and then has 4 double braces.
To shape "pointed" to our Snowflake must emphasize this step:
6 -. Lift 5 chains, and chain number 3, you must put it on itself, with a loop. Make two chains.
7 -. Repeat step 5, but in reverse. Party with a double crochet and ending with a single crochet.
Repeat this step 4 more time. And this is your snowflake
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